From: Tomo Sakata (sprynet.com)
Newsgroups: fj.rec.music
Subject: The Story Of The Real Blues Men
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 1996 01:18:04 GMT


  ■□ カナダに住むサカタと申します

 ですが、同じくニールヤングを見たシカゴの Toshi さんとその後メールで
 ズのことだろうと思っていた───)私には、非常に面白いのです :-)。

※ 英語部が Toshi さんの発言です、快く許可をいただいて一挙掲載。シ
  ステム的に、日本語は読めるんだけど書けないんだそうです、お気の毒 :-)。

# /~~ ( Re: About SPRYNET.com ) Toshi san
#> Dear Mr. Sakata;
#    :
#> I love blues and am lucky to be in Chicago.  I often go to Buddy Guy's
#> Legend (his club).  Blues was very minor 15 years ago but now, I am
#> surprised
#> how popular it is especially among white (and Japanese) people.
#> There is a Blues Festival once a year in Chicago and many Japanese tourists
#> visit Chicago just for that!!  (You are not going to believe it but it's
#> true.
#  お帰りなさいませ。シカゴのブルースって、やっぱりホワイトブルース
# なんでしょうか? 僕は New Orleans とか Memphis とかの黒い音楽に憧
# れるんですよ。あのへんに行くのは怖いですけど :-)。

# /~~ ( Re: About SPRYNET.com ) Toshi san
#> Dear Mr. Sakata;
#> Welcome on board(?)
#> I do not care much about white blues.  I prefer "down to earth" black kind.
#> Chicago is the place where all black musicians from south came and started
#> "electrified" or become "professional".  Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, Coco
#> Taylor, and many others came from poor south and became famous in Chicago.
#> Famous Chess Studio was in Michigan Avenue in Chicago.
#  あ、な〜るほど、失礼しました、マン :-)。ストーンズ経由ですけど、
# Muddy Waters には世話になってます。

  と話が続き、おろかな私に Toshi san が『真のブルーズマンたちの物語』

# /~~ ( Re: Blues Men's Story ) Toshi san
# Dear Mr. Sakata;
# Most of British Rock'n'Roll bands in 60's to 70's are inspired by
# American black music which had never been popular in the US.
# British bands re-introduced blues to the US.
# Those days, IMHO, artistic level of those musician was very high.
# You may already know but many musicians those days were from Art
# School which was not considered as a successful carrier in the
# society in England.  Some of them are, John Lennon, Ron Wood, Keith
# Richards, Eric Clapton (?) ...Mick Jagger  was from School of
# Economy (His father was a medical doctor or something). American
# blues were very big among those Art School kids.
# You may remember an instrumental tune called "2120 South Michigan
# Avenue" by the Rolling Stones.  This is the address of Chess Studio
# which recorded many blues records.  When Stones visited "famous"
# Chess Studio back in 60's, they were surprised to know the black guy
# who was painting the wall came down the ladder and carried their
# luggage into the studio was their hero Muddy Waters.  Those days,
# none of blues musicians made living out of music.
# Sorry for the boring story.
# Bye,
# Toshi

  うーん、そうだったのか。「2120 South Michigan Avenue」がブルーズ
 裏・ロフト・久保講堂でしょうか :-)。

 ですけど :-)、それじゃあ世の中間違ってるぜ昔の USA。まことにブルー
 ズだなあ、真の (;_;)。

 あろう)多くの皆さんも、きっとそうであることでしょう :-)。
...Had to change my email address again, sorry friends..(^_^;)(^_^;)(^_^;)

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