
■ 96/07/26(金)



     日本が頑張ってる間も f.r.s では、『ブラジル・ナイジェリアを差
    し置いて日本なんぞが 2nd に進んだら興ざめだ』的な発言が止まらな


    たので文句を言った。Thanks for your insults! と書こうかと思った
    ども (^_^;)。

| From: Tomohisa Sakata (sprynet.com)
| Newsgroups: rec.sport.soccer
| Subject: Re: Funny how things change when the Europeans are adequately
|          represented
| Date: Sat, 27 Jul 1996 06:25:22 GMT
|  In Article <4tbmqo$2r6@nnrp1.news.primenet.com>
|    mazzare@primenet.com (Ariel Mazzarelli) wrote:
| > So a more accurate analysis is to look at who dropped out. Out of 8
| > squads, 4 come from Asia/Oceania, 2 from Europe (40%), 1 from
| > CONCACAF (50%), 1 from Africa (33%), and none from South America.
| >
| > The obvious conclusion is that there were too many teams from Asia/
| > Oceania and Europe and too few from South America, with the rest
| > being pretty much correct.
|   Hello Ariel,
|   First of all, since Australia came from the play-offs against
| CONCACAF 2nd place country -- Canada, your grouping "4 come from
| Asia/Oceania" doesn't make sense.
|   Secondly, I got the stats below from somewhere. Of course, since the
| Olympic soccer is not a "all-teams-head-to-head (don't know the word
| for it)" league game, this doesn't prove anything. But it APPEARS to be
| showing something, doesn't it?
|   The same applies to your analysis of "who goes to 2nd" for the
| same reason. There is always luck and bad luck of grouping. Your
| analysis sounds as inaccurate as this one to me.
|     ----------------------
|   1st Round Point Ranking
|   (* advanced to 2nd round)
|      TEAM           Win    Draw   Loss   Pts    Goals  GDiff
| * 1. France         2      1      0      7      5      +3
| * 2. Spain          2      1      0      7      5      +2
| * 3. Brazil         2      0      1      6      4      +2
| * 4. Nigeria        2      0      1      6      3      +2
|   5. Japan          2      0      1      6      4       0
| * 6. Argentina      1      2      0      5      5      +2
| * 7. Portugal       1      2      0      5      4      +2
| * 8. Mexico         1      2      0      5      2      +1
| * 9. Ghana          1      1      1      4      4       0
|   9. USA            1      1      1      4      4       0
|  11. Korea          1      1      1      4      2       0
|  12. Italy          1      0      2      3      2      -1
|  13. Australia      1      0      2      3      4      -2
|  14. Tunisia        0      1      2      1      1      -4
|  15. Saudi Arabia   0      0      3      0      2      -3
|  16. Hungary        0      0      3      0      3      -4
|     ----------------------
|   Although I kind of agree with your conclusion (-- I think three
| for Asia might have been too generous, and more South American
| countries would have made it more exciting --), you guys' continuing
| underratings for Asian soccer make me feel like you are ss..lightly
| biased ;-).
|   I think we can at least say that Korea and Japan gave nifty threat
| to other countries in their groups, and made the 1st round more
| interesting. Wrong?
|   -----------------------------
|    Tomohisa Sakata (Vancouver)
|   -----------------------------

    し 2nd に進んで彼らのお気に入りの南米ヨーロッパを「もう一度」倒


  │ アトランタ市内の五輪100周年記念公園付近で、27日午前1時20分

     げ! 驚いて TV をつけたら爆発の瞬間の音が入った映像が流れてた。
    はんぱではない音。げげー...... (・_・;)。

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